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Wärmepumpen für ein wohlig warmes Zuhause. Pompes à chaleur, Pompe di calore

Heat pumps

We bring the sun’s rays into your home. The air-to-water heat pump heats naturally and protects the environment.

Air-to-water heat pumps with high efficiency

Compact, efficient and made in Switzerland – the patented GOSPA air-to-water heat pump from Innovida Swiss Technology SA combines innovation with aesthetics. The GOSPA is a quality product designed for the Swiss market that is built to last. Each system is extensively tested under demanding conditions on a specially developed test bench before delivery.
Out of sight, out of mind – thanks to the exclusive option of placing the outdoor unit in a light well, quiet and invisible operation is possible.

The Krüger Estia heat pump heating system from Toshiba uses the sun’s warm rays for heating. This provides sustainable heating and protects the environment. The Estia absorbs the outside air and uses it to heat the interior as well as to heat water. In summer, it cools the interior and creates a pleasant indoor climate. The principle of air-to-water heat pump heating is simple: the outside air is constantly heated by the sun’s rays. The heat pump absorbs this energy at a low temperature level and compresses it to a higher level. Its efficiency is up to 3.61 (COP) in full load operation and even higher in the partial load range.

Heat pumps stand for:

  • Perfect efficiency

  • Environmentally friendly technologies

  • Less CO2 emissions

  • Major energy savings

  • Comfortable heating operation