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Emergency heating

If the heating or district heating fails, Krüger + Co. AG provides the heat. With the hot water-led mobile heating centers and fresh water stations, we can take over both heating and hot water within a day. Our central heating systems provide outputs of up to 2 MW, which corresponds to around 300 apartments. The mobile rental centers can be operated with various energy sources(KS HVO 100, pellets, methanol, oil, gas, electricity). We are happy to provide you with attractive rental models in an emergency.

Three good reasons for working together

Emergency heating district heating Stans

The Stans Cooperative Corporation is the region’s heating association and its district heating network will be expanded over the next few years. During the construction period, the cooperative corporation needs redundancy for its woodchip heating system to cover any peak loads. The technical requirements for this emergency heating system were an output of 2 MW and an interface for connection to the existing control system.

"Thanks to the emergency heating from Krüger, I started the winter season with a good feeling" Patrick Bader, Operations Manager of the Stans Cooperative Corporation
IMG 0023 2 | Krüger + Co. AG
The 2 MW emergency heating system is supplied in a container