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| Krüger + Co. AG


Commitment of the Krüger Foundation

Just as our core business is focused on meeting the needs of our customers, we are also committed to meeting the needs of the world to create a better future. With our philanthropic work, we want to live up to the saying: “To go far, we must go together”.

The work of the Krüger Foundation focuses primarily on identifying and supporting people who are severely disadvantaged and marginalized in their society. Among other things, we have built a home for abandoned girls in India, provided education for refugee children in Africa, supplied medicines to elderly Tibetan refugees and tribal people in remote areas of India and financed emergency aid for victims of conflicts and natural disasters.

Stiftung 3 | Krüger + Co. AG


We provide accommodation, education and school meals to children in many parts of the world, including India, Myanmar and Rwanda.

More information at Kruger Foundation for Child Aid.

Medical assistance

We support the local population and marginalized groups in remote areas of India and various refugee settlements with access to medical care.

More information at Kruger Foundation for Child Aid.

Stiftung 1 | Krüger + Co. AG
Stiftung 2 | Krüger + Co. AG

Global emergencies

We work with international organizations to provide emergency relief funds for people displaced by conflict and natural disasters.

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