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Adiabatische Kühlsysteme

Adiabatic cooling systems

Adiabatic exhaust and exhaust air cooling

This cooling system uses water to cool buildings. The water is sprayed into the exhaust air flow and cools it. A heat exchanger transfers the cold from the extract air to the supply air without there being a direct exchange between the air flows. The energy-efficient, hygienic and environmentally friendly process only requires an existing heat recovery system. It offers high energy savings and low operating costs and is ideal for industrial and commercial applications.

Adiabatic combination system

The WinCool combination system combines air humidification in winter and air conditioning in summer in a single system. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, it offers an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solution that can be used all year round. The proven turbulator technology ensures fast and even air humidification with high hygiene standards without the use of environmentally harmful substances. The system can be flexibly adapted to any installation. It is ideal for applications in print shops, laboratories, clean rooms, textile processing or paper manufacturing.

Advantages of the systems

  • Low energy consumption

  • High efficiency

  • Certified quality

  • Environmentally conscious technology